R3 Corda vs EOS

May 11, 2022

R3 Corda vs EOS: Battle of the Blockchains

It's time to compare two of the most intriguing blockchain platforms out there! Both R3 Corda and EOS introduce their unique features, making it difficult to choose just one. However, we are here to compare the two, and by the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of which one suits your needs better.

R3 Corda Overview

Launched in 2015, R3 Corda blockchain is a permission blockchain platform that is designed for enterprise use. It is built on top of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and has built-in identity, consensus, and smart contract support. R3 Corda is popular among financial institutions and other enterprise use-cases because of its privacy and scalability.

EOS Overview

Launched in 2018, EOS is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform that is designed to support industrial-scale decentralized applications. It uses a delegated proof-of-stake (DPOS) consensus mechanism, which allows for fast transaction speeds while maintaining security. EOS also has its own programming language, EOSIO, which makes it easy to build decentralized applications.


Consensus Mechanism

R3 Corda uses the Raft consensus protocol, which is a proven and widely used consensus mechanism. On the other hand, EOS uses a delegated proof-of-stake (DPOS) consensus mechanism. Both consensus mechanisms have their advantages and disadvantages, but DPOS provides faster transaction speeds with lower energy consumption.


R3 Corda is designed to be highly scalable and can handle a large number of transactions per second. On the other hand, EOS is known for its ability to scale horizontally across multiple servers, improving its capability to handle large-scale decentralized applications.

Smart Contracts

Both R3 Corda and EOS support smart contracts. However, R3 Corda uses Kotlin, Java, and .NET programming languages for contract development. EOS, on the other hand, uses its own programming language, EOSIO.


EOS has an on-chain governance system where token holders can vote on important decisions related to the platform. In contrast, R3 Corda lacks such an on-chain governance system.


One of the major advantages of R3 Corda is its focus on privacy. R3 Corda uses a “need-to-know” principle, which means that only the involved parties can see the transaction details. In contrast, EOS is designed for public use-cases and doesn't provide the same level of privacy.


In conclusion, both R3 Corda and EOS have their unique features, and choosing the right one depends on the use-case. R3 Corda is a good choice for enterprise use-cases that require privacy and scalability. EOS, on the other hand, is a good choice for decentralized applications that require high throughput and quick transaction speeds.


  1. R3 Corda Official Website
  2. EOS Official Website
  3. Raft Consensus Protocol
  4. EOSIO Programming Language

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